Srinagar Nov 07, Only Kashmir
By Tahir Muzter:
Again right wing Hindu parties are politicizing Sheri Amaranth Yatra as was done in 2008, with big land row, and economic blockade against Kashmir. According to a recent news report, published in the Daily “EARY TIMES”, Jammu, Hindu bodies interpret Kasmi”s opposition to the construction of road to Amaranth, as opposition to giving facilities to the yatries, or interference to Hindu religion. This sort of allegation against Kashmir is no doubt mischievous. Kashmir opposed and will oppose to the Construction of Amaranth road , but it is based on the ground of protection of ecologically fragile area. And safeguarding the main water source of the valley of Kashmir. And it is all logical and a right of Kashmir. In deeded it is what the whole world strives for.

It is for what, Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani has been Coagulated by Madhu Purnima Kishwar, a professor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi and Founder of MANUSHI—an organization committed to protect democratic rights in India, who is also a member of Kashmir Committee (Ram Jaith Malani ). It was when a couple of weeks Geelani Sahib voiced concern for the environmental damage being caused to the eco-sensitive zone due to the massive increase in the number of yatris that have begun visiting the Amarnath Shrine. In an open letter to Geelani Sahib (tahkaka. com ) , she has admitted ----- “ I have personally seen how much garbage and filth, the Yatra generates, and how the extension of the Yatra to two months has caused further damage to the delicate ecology of the area.”
In her open letter, she has said “On behalf of Kashmir Committee, I fully endorse your demand that just as 153 km area from Gomukh to Devprayag has been notified as an eco-sensitive zone by the Government of India, so also the area around the Amarnath shrine needs to be declared as an eco-sensitive zone. All those who value the Amarnath Shrine as a sacred site, should join hands with their Kashmiri brothers in preserving the pristine purity of the area.” She also admitted --------“You are also right in alleging that the creation of the Shrine Board, (with limitless powers---TM) by Farooq Abdullah government was an ill conceived political move. However, the Board stayed within its limits till General Sinha as the Governor of J&K did all he could to communalize the Yatra as well as its management. Shee agreed that “ Your demand that the management of the Yatra be handed over to the Kashmiri Pandits of the Valley and that they along with their Muslim brothers take care of the needs of the yatris is a welcome suggestion, especially considering that Kashmiri Muslims have played a stellar role in ensuring that the yatris feel welcome and safe no matter how disturbed the conditions in the Valley. This well-meaning Indian lady, with a positive and constructive approach has not hesitated to confess that -“While there is no denying that certain vested interests are using the Yatra as “a show of Hindu strength”.
What the people of Kashmir wanted in 2008, during Amaranth Land Row or for what they have raised their voice now, in not interference in the Hindu Religion at all ,but it and it is strictly in accordance with even the teachings of VEDAS—Hindu scriptures ---- Vedas also specially emphasis upon: -----
“Do not harm the environment; do not harm the water and the flora; earth is my mother, I am her son; may the waters remain fresh , do not harm the waters” This is what Rig Veda venerates deities like MITRE, Varna, Indri, Marts and Aditya, that are responsible for maintaining the requisite balance in the functioning of all entities of nature whether the mountains, lakes. Heaven and earth, the forests or the waters. Seers recognized that changes caused due to indiscreet human activities could result in imbalances in seasons, rainfall patterns, crops and atmosphere and degrade the quality of water, air and earth resources’’.
This is what the people of Kashmir wanted. desired , and expressed and demanded when 800 kanals of forest land was transferred to the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board , , illegally , with one mission of Shrine Board with S k Sinha as it Chairman to make the Yatra bigger and bigger with every year, ignoring the essence of Vedas on environment. –Because the mission is all political--------but in the name of religious Yatra.
While going through this write-up “Vedic Preservative on the Environment” in Times of India (June 4,) ,when I, as a son of Kashmir , think about what is happening in Kashmir in the name of Amarnath Yatra I find no name, no definition no term which can present exact picture of what Kashmir is facing ---------YES—it can be termed ------ECOLOGICAL TERROEISM IN KASHMIR’’
The calculated use of violence or the threat of violence against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; which is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear is terrorism.”, it is what Kashmir faced and continue to face perhaps till Kashmir will turn into a desert as predicted by environmentalists. In the the warning words of great geologist Prof. Husnain-----“If the glaciers meltdown completely, Kashmir will become a desert.”
Basic fault lies with time to time state governments in Kashmir Since 1996 It was the blind disposal of the recommendations of Natish Sen Gupta\ and Mukhar Ji Committee suggesting limiting the number of Yatries , as done in repect of Gangotri in UTTRAKHAND ----and fixing quota of yatries to the States. Till formation of the Shrine Board non implementation of the recommendations could be attributed to the careless of governments or appeasement policy of State Governments for people in Delhi. But with the formation of the Shrine Board, with un-brlled powers it became a dictation for the State government. The fact is that all the State governments from 1996 are criminally silent on it with an exception of a feeble assertion by the ex-Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed in 2003?, but he had to bow before centre’s intervention. And now the position is that Kashmir is continuously facing ecological terrorism.
Tahir Muzter is a well known Journo of J&K, He has been the first Editor of the Daily Chinar & Nawa-e-Subah. Tahir Muzter is also known for his poetry, he is the Author of the book "Neelam Ghar" a collection of poetry in Urdu, Tahir Muzter is one of the content contribution to Only Kashmir. He can be reached at: