In his press statement, Er.Hilal War revealed that a few days back Mirwaiz held an hour long closed door meeting with Er.Rashid. Expressing deep sorrow, agony and annoyance over this episode Er. War said that holding secret and back channel parleys with a pro-India politician was against the principles of separatist leadership and had even no room within the domain of Hurriyat Constitution. PPP Chairman further said that the regional Pro-India leaders and politicians were on their task of very craftily and cunningly vindicating the forceful and illegitimate occupation of Kashmir by India and were trying to the hilt and the edge to dilute the pious struggle of freedom in Kashmir, which was quite evident to everyone. He said Er.Rashid is a part and parcel of this vicious and evil conspiracy who masqueraded as pro-people just to dilute the impact of resistance leadership.
Taking note of sacking of Moulana Abbas Ansari and his Party from the membership of Hurriyat for meeting the GOI appointed Interlocutors by Mirwaiz, Mr. War said that Er. Rasheed adorned the constitution of India by contesting the elections and was doing his political tasks assigned to him by the GOI. War said, Why did not pro-freedom leadership including Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Shabeer Shah and others demand explanation from Mirwaiz and Company for the closed door secret meeting with Er. Rasheed which was organised and directed by Indian Intelligence Agencies. Questioning Mirwaiz, PPP Chief enquired as to why did he hold closed door parleys with Er.Rashid and what all discussions took place therein and said that Mirwaiz should clarify his stand; if a planning to field in proxy candidates in the elections was going on and had Er. Rahsid come to receive the blessings in that regard only. PPP Chairman further said that Hurriyat Chairman must aware the nation of all those issues and dialogues. Meanwhile Er.War asked Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Shabir Shah and other separatist leaders to enquire all these issues from Mirwaiz and endeavour to bring the reality on the forefront.
PPP Chairman further said that Er. Rahsid’s issuance of statements and slogans against the human rights violations of Kashmiris at the hands of armed forces merited no rationale as he himself stood up in the assembly elections conducted by the Election Commission of India further strengthening Indian Occupation of J&K and accepted the constitution of India by taking the oath to abide by the same and after doing all that he was doing a melodrama to gather sympathies of innocent Kashmiri masses and pretended to be a noble, pro-people and pro-Kashmir leader
Mr. War said if at all Er. Rashid felt sorry for projecting Indian hegemony over the territory of J&K including its people, he should openly tender an unconditional apology before the people of J&K and relinquish all his monetary and other benefits. He said in case he (Er .Rashid) really wanted to do something for the Kashmir cause and become the well wisher and sympathiser of the people in real sense he should quit the assembly and start his work as a foot soldier in the pro-freedom camp.
Er. War said if Mirwaiz has any plans of fielding proxy candidates, he shouldn’t ditch the nation and should come out in the open rather than patronising stooges like Er. Rashid.
Er. War asked Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Shabir Shah and other senior pro-freedom leaders to take a strong note of this incident and form a commission of enquiry to look into it.
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