Lahore Nov 10 (Only Kashmir): AJK Prime Minister Sardar Attiq Ahmed Khan on Tuesday expressed his firm belief that the day was not far off when Kashmir woul
d become part of Pakistan.
Addressing a ceremony on the 133rd birth anniversary of Allama Iqbal at the Alhamra Art Centre, he said the ruling Muslim conference had passed several resolutions that Kashmir was the jugular vein of Pakistan and would accede to the Islamic republic after liberation from India.
The ceremony had been organised jointly by Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust and Tehrik-I-Pakistan Workers Trust.
NPT Chairman Majid Nizami was also present at the ceremony.
Sardar Attiq paid tributes to Allama Iqbal for conceiving the idea of Pakistan. He said although the poet-philosopher was an asset for the Islamic Ummah, he had very special status in the eyes of the Kashmiris. The AJK prime minister said there was a need for a more visionary leadership to meet the challenges of the present era. In his opinion the leadership must be able to unite the nation.
In his opinion the president, the prime minister and politicians alone were not sufficient to meet the requirements of leadership. He said the writers also had an important role to play in provide leadership to the nation. The foremost duty of the leadership in the present situation was to steer the nation out of despondency. He said a capable leadership always emerges from crises.
Former foreign minister Sartaj Aziz said it was regrettable that the West was linking Islam to terrorism
He said when even mosques and shrines were being targeted in Pakistan, combating terrorists was becoming increasingly difficult.
He said Islam was the only religion that could provide guidance to the entire world.
JI former amir Qazi Husain Ahmed said the wrong policies of the government had created a situation that skilled people were leaving the country along with their capital. As a result, he said, the state institutions stood destroyed and factories were getting closed down. He alleged that drone attacks were being carried out with the consent of the government and they had reduced tribal areas to ruins.

Addressing a ceremony on the 133rd birth anniversary of Allama Iqbal at the Alhamra Art Centre, he said the ruling Muslim conference had passed several resolutions that Kashmir was the jugular vein of Pakistan and would accede to the Islamic republic after liberation from India.
The ceremony had been organised jointly by Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust and Tehrik-I-Pakistan Workers Trust.
NPT Chairman Majid Nizami was also present at the ceremony.
Sardar Attiq paid tributes to Allama Iqbal for conceiving the idea of Pakistan. He said although the poet-philosopher was an asset for the Islamic Ummah, he had very special status in the eyes of the Kashmiris. The AJK prime minister said there was a need for a more visionary leadership to meet the challenges of the present era. In his opinion the leadership must be able to unite the nation.
In his opinion the president, the prime minister and politicians alone were not sufficient to meet the requirements of leadership. He said the writers also had an important role to play in provide leadership to the nation. The foremost duty of the leadership in the present situation was to steer the nation out of despondency. He said a capable leadership always emerges from crises.
Former foreign minister Sartaj Aziz said it was regrettable that the West was linking Islam to terrorism
He said when even mosques and shrines were being targeted in Pakistan, combating terrorists was becoming increasingly difficult.
He said Islam was the only religion that could provide guidance to the entire world.
JI former amir Qazi Husain Ahmed said the wrong policies of the government had created a situation that skilled people were leaving the country along with their capital. As a result, he said, the state institutions stood destroyed and factories were getting closed down. He alleged that drone attacks were being carried out with the consent of the government and they had reduced tribal areas to ruins.
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