Monday, May 30, 2011


Srinagar May 30 (Only Kashmir): Strongly denouncing the eve-teasing of a girl allegedly by some CRPF troopers at Kashmir Haat last evening, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Monday accused the government of deliberately promoting “immorality and other social evils in Valley.”“After Botanical garden and Tulip garden, the government is now using the Exhibition grounds (Kashmir Haat) for the same purpose. New Delhi wants to uproot our moral values and traditions by plunging our youth into a morass of drugs, liquor and other evils. All this is being done to weaken our younger generation’s resolve towards freedom,” Geelani said during his address to a public gathering at Lagipora, Sopore, where he had gone to express his condolences with the families of Sameer Ahmad Lone and Farhat Maqsood, killed during last year’s summer unrest in government forces action.Geelani said the freedom struggle was not for “a change of ruling hands but for replacing injustice with justice, and creating a society on the basis morality and equality.”“It must also be made clear that there is no place for religious antagonism in Islam and all non-Muslims are our brothers on humanitarian basis. They (non-Muslims) should harbor no fears of violence or anything else from the majority Muslim community of Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.The Hurriyat(G) chairman said there was no justification for “India’s illegal occupation of Kashmir and India and its stooges are doing Kashmiris no favour by carrying out developmental works in Kashmir , because the money spent on these projects is a small amount of our own resources.”“The lion’s share of the electricity produced from our water resources benefits India’s northern region while the Valley reels under darkness. According to recent figures, the Indian Army is occupying 65 lakh kanals of land of Kashmiris for which no compensation is being paid. Worse, the Army is looting Kashmir’s forests with impunity,” he said.“While ordinary people are booked under the PSA for gathering firewood from forests, the government has closed its eyes on the numerous joineries operating in army camps across Kashmir, from where officers and soldiers smuggle furniture outside the state,” he saidEarlier, Geelani paid a visit to late Haji Abdul Gani Lone‘s residence in Bomai Sopore and expressed his condolences with the bereaved family.


Friday, May 27, 2011

معذوروں کی تحریک

تحریر:حکیم عبدالرشید
سنا ہے کہ پریس کالونی سرینگر میں کئی روز سے معذور افراد بھوک ہڑتال پر ہیں اور ان میں سے کئی اشخاص پر بے ہوشی طاری ہو چکی ہے ۔محمد سبحان نے کہتے ہوئے عبد الستار سے پوچھا کیا لگتا ہے انکے مطالبات اب پورے ہونگے کیا ؟عبد الستار نے کہا محمد سبحان تم تو جانتے ہی ہو یہا ں احتجاج اور بھوک ہڑتال وغیرہ کوئی نئی بات نہیں البتہ یہ کام صرف سیاستدان حضرات تک محدود تھا تاکہ اگر ان کے مطالبات پورے نہ بھی ہوتے لیکن انکا مطلب نکل آتا تھا وہ میڈیا پہ چھا کر قوم کے ہمدرد اور لیڈر مانے جاتے لیکن اب ان سیاست کاروں کے بجائے ملازمین ۔تاجر ،طلباء ،بے روز گار،ڈیلی ویجر ،ڈاکٹر ،انجینئر ،غرض تمام شعبہ ہائے زندگی سے تعلق رکھنے والے حضرات اپنے اپنے مطالبات کو لیکر احتجاج کرتے رہتے ہیں اور اب یہ جسمانی طور ناخیز افراد بھی اس دوڑ میں پیچھے نہ رہے اب تمہارا یہ سوال کہ کیا اس احتجاج سے انکے مطالبات پورے ہونگے ؟تو کیا کیا جا سکتا ہے البتہ جہاں تک میرا تجربہ ہے اور شاعر مشرق علامہ اقبال کا یہ شعر بر حق ہے کہ خواب سے بیدار ہوتا ہے ذرا محکوم اگر بھر سلا دیتی ہے اسکو حکمران کی ساحری ۔‘‘گویا جب بھی کوئی محکوم حاکموں کے سامنے مطالبات کو زور دار طریقہ سے منوانے کیلئے متحد ہو کر سامنے آتا ہے تو حکمران پہلے اسکی طرف متوجہ ہوتے ہی نہیں تاکہ یہ تھک ہار کر خود بیٹھ جائے لیکن جب اسکے مطالبے میں زور پیدا ہوتا ہے تو حکمران مطالبات منوانے کے طریقہ کار پر اپنی ناراضگی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہتے ہیں کہ تم بھوک ہڑتال کا طریقہ ترک کرو اور یہ خود سوزی اور دیگر سخت دھمکیاں دینا بند کر دو اپنے مطالبات کی فہرست لیکر سامنے آو اور مذاکرات کا طریقہ اختیار کر کے ہر مطالبہ پر بات ہو سکتی ہے ۔اگر مطالیات کرنے والے اس حکومتی دھمکی سے مرعوب ہوئے اور انکے اتحاد میں شگاف پڑ گیا تو انکے حوصلے خود بخود ٹوٹ جاتے ہیں اسطرح نہ مذاکرات ہو پاتے ہیں اور نہ مطالبات پورے ہو پاتے ہیں لیکن یہاں اگر مطالبات کرنے والوں کی وحدت قائم ہی اور انہوں نے کسی کمزوری کا مظاہرہ نہ کیا تو جسکو طاقت کے استعمال پر اتر آتی ہے ۔پھر تشدد ہوتا ہے اور گرفتاریاں بھی اگر اس تشدد اور گرفتاریوں کے بعد مطالبات کرنے والے لوگ منتشر ہوئے تو پھر اس مطالباتی تحریک کو ٹالدیا جاتا ہے اور اگر پھر بھی نہ لگے تو پھر لازماً ان میں پھوٹ ڈال کر انکے دو حصے کئے جاتے ہیں ۔ایک حصے کو سخت گیراور ایک کو نرم روکی اصطلاح سے پکارا جاتا ہے ۔اسطرح نرم رو حضرت کو مشکوک بنا کر ان کا صفایا کرایا جاتا ہے اور سخت گیروں پر طاقت کا استعمال کرنے کیلئے یہ جواز دیا جاتا ہے کہ یہ لو گ بات کرتے ہی نہیں اسطرح ایک ہی مطالبہ لیکر خلوص نیت سے جدوجہد کرنے والے الگ الگ ہو کر حکمرانوں کے اس جال میں پھنس جاتے ہیں جہاں انہیں یہاں بھی ہلاکت اور وہاں بھی ہلاکت ہی ہو جاتی ہے ۔ان حالات میں یہ مطالبات کرنے والے لوگوں کی سوجھ بوجھ پر منحصر ہے اگر وہ ایک دوسرے کو شکوک وشبہات کی نگاہ سے دیکھے بغیر متحدہ طور چند لوگوں کو مذاکرات کیلئے آمادہ بھی کریں اور باہر احتجاج کی شدت کو کم بھی نہ ہونے دیں تو ممکن ہے کہ انکے مطالبات پورا کرنے کیلئے پھر حکمرانوں کو مجبور ہونا پڑے گا اور ہاں خود سوزی جیسے احتجاجی صورتوں کے بجائے ایسے احتجاجی پروگرام ترتیب دے جانے چاہیے جس سے کسی کی قیمتی جان بھی نہ چلی جائے اور احتجاج کو دیر تک جاری بھی رکھا جائے اور حکومت کیلئے طاقت کے استعمال کا جواز بھی نہ رہے ۔یہ طریقہ کار کیا ہو گا اسکے لئے جسمانی طور معذور افراد کی قیادت کو غور وفکر کرنا ہو گا ۔انہیں چاہیے کہ ایسے پروگرام ترتیب دیں جس سے انکی تحریک بھی چلے اور کسی تھکاوٹ اور نقصان کے بغیر مطالبات کی منظوری کیلئے بامعنی مذاکرات کا راستہ بھی نکل آئے اور اتحاد ہی سے اپنی منزل کو یہ لوگ پا سکتے ہیں ۔تقسیم اور انتشار کے بجائے دور اندیشی کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے انہیں سوجھ بوجھ اور اعتدال کے راستے پر چل کر ایک طرف پوری قومی ہمدردی حاصل کرنی چاہیے ۔دوسری طرف اپنی جد وجہد کو جدید تقاضوں کے مطابق چلاتے ہوئے کوئی بھی جذباتی یا جلد بازی کی حرکت نہیں کرنی چاہیے ۔اگر انہوں نے ایسا کیا تو تم دیکھو گے محمد سبحان انکے مطالبات آج نہیں تو کل پورے ہونگے ۔محمد سبحان نے کہا عبد الستار تم نے میرے ایک محدود سوال کا جواب جو میں نے جسمانی طور ناخیز افراد کے مطالبات کے حوالے سے پوچھا تھا اسطرح جواب دیا جس سے تمہارے پورے تجربات سامنے آئے بے شک جیسا کہ تم نے کہا اگر یہ لوگ کسی دباؤ میں آئے بغیر اپنی صفوں کو متحدر کھتے ہوئے اعتدال کیساتھ تحریک بھی چلاتے رہے اور مذاکرات بھی تو یہ لوگ تو قعہ سے زیادہ کامیابی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں یہی لوگ کیا میں تو یہاں تک کہدونگا تمہارے بیان کروں تجربات میں ان قایدین کیلئے بھی شاید نسخہ ہے جو قومی سطح کی تحریک چلانے کے دعویٰ کر رہے ہیں اگر وہ لوگ تمہارے نسخہ پر عمل کریں تو کشمیریوں کی تحریک بھی اپنی منزل سے ہمکنار ہو سکتی ہے اور تحریک کو تو قصات سے زیادہ مؤثر طریقہ پر چلاتے ہوئے قوم کے مطالبہ حق خود ارادیت کو منوایا جا سکتا ہے اور کم ازکم نقصان کے باوجود دیر سے ہی سہی قوم کو عزت اور وقار اور سر خروی دلانے میں قیادت کامیاب ہو سکتی ہے ورنہ جس انداز سے آج تک تحریک چلی شاید اس میں اسی کمی کے سبب یہ قوم طویل جد وجہد اور بے پناہ نقصان کے باوجود اپنے ہدف کو نہ پاسکتی اسلئے شاید وقت آگیا ہے کہ تحریکی قائدین کو متحداور منظم ہو کر معتدل اور مسلسل پروگرام ترتیب دیتے ہوئے بے شک قلیل مدتی اور طویل مدتی حکمت عملی اختیار کرنی چاہیے اور ہندوستان اور پاکستان کیساتھ روابطہ بڑھاتے ہو مذاکرات کا سلسلہ شروع کرنا چاہیے اور اس حقیقت کو تسلیم کرنا چاہیے کہ نہ تو پاکستان کی عدم موجودگی میں مسئلہ کشمیر کا کوئی حل نکل سکتا ہے اور نہ ہی بھارت کے طاقت کیساتھ ٹکراتے ہوئے ہم منزل تک پہنچ سکتے ہیں اسلئے اعتدال مذاکرات اور مفاہمت کا راستہ اختیار کر کے کسی جھکاؤ اور تھکاوٹ کے بغیر اپنی منزل اور حق کو پانے کی جد وجہد کو جاری رکھا جانا چاہیے ۔
بشکریہ روزنامہ ایشین میل



Jammu, May 27 (Only Kashmir) Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Friday questioned the motive of Kashmiri separatists in getting restive more during summers.
Ahead of radical Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani's participation in Friday prayers at the Hazratbal shrine in Srinagar, Omar wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter: 'What is it about out Hurriyat friends (and their) need to create trouble on Fridays only in summer. Where were they all through winter????'
He was pointing out to the sudden flurry of activity by the separatist Hurriyat Conference leaders during summer while they were either in New Delhi or travelling abroad during winter.
In a retweet to one of his followers, Omar said the separatist leaders 'want to see a death'.
But his comments about the Hurriyat Conference provoked some to react sarcastically.
One of them, Shahid Bhat, posted on the Twitter: 'At least they are visible through the summers. The government is nowhere to be seen, be it winter or summer.'
To this, Omar retweeted: 'Well, if you roam around with your eyes tightly squeezed, you won't see anything, will you?'


Thursday, May 26, 2011


Srinagar: May 26, (Only Kashmir): Peoples Polituical Party (PPP), Chairman, Hilal Ahmad War, has denouncing the continued inhuman torture to the Freedom Fighters of Kashmir and political prisoners detained in Kotbulwal Jail at the hands of Jail Superintendent, Rajni Sehgal on daily basis. The revealation made by Muslim League activists, Javaid Ahmad Najar before the Session Court on May 23rd, 2011 has exposed the Indiand authorities and is the eye opener for the International Human Rights Organizations and ICRC in particular. Mr. Javaid Ahmad Najar has opened his shirt and showed the marks of torture before the Court and narrated that detainees are not only being subjected to mental and physical torture but also undressed by Jail superintendent, Rajni Sehgal. The Kotbulwal Jail has been converted Kashmiri’s Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
Mr.War appealed the International Human Rights Organizations (Amnesty International, Asia watch, Human Rights Watch etc.) and U.N. Secretary General to take the serious notice of case and take up the issue in International Foras and also with New Delhi against gross Human Rights violations at the hands of Indian authorities either through its occupational forces stationed in Jammu and Kashmir or through Police and Jail authorities.
PPP Chief urged World Community to raise these issues with the Indian government, and in particular to express concern about the lack of accountability for human rights violations, which often results in an unending cycle of violence and retribution.
In Jammu and Kashmir the armed forces have committed torture, enforced disappearances, and targeted killings disguised as shoot-outs. These abuses are facilitated by Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which gives the army widespread powers to search, arrest, and use lethal force, while assuring immunity from prosecution.
Mr.War, said the Government of India has forgotten that in times of war, certain humainitarian rules must be observed, even with regard to the enemy. These rules are set out maily in the four Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 and their Additional Protocols of June 08, 1977. Once armed conflict breaks out, the Conventions and Protocols shall be applicable in all cincumstances.
Since ICRC is the custodian of Geneva Conventions, therefore, it is obligatory for ICRC to take a serious note of violation of Geneva Conventions by India which is the signatory of 4 Geneva Conventions.
In a statement issued here, War flayed the authorities for detaining Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, ‘General’ Moosa, Peer Saifuullah, Mehraj-ud-Din Kalwal, Asiya Andrabi, Javaid Ahmad Najar, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat ( Islamic Rage Boy of Kashmir ) , Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Shakeel Ahmad Bakshi, Shakeel Ahmad Sofi, Shabir ahmad Bukhari, Dr. Qasim Faktoo, Masarat Alam Bhat, Abdul Ahad Parra, Imtiyaz Ahmad , Tariq Ahmad Molvi, Molvi Bashir and several other pro-freedom leaders despite their failing health. “The government is flouting its own rules by denying these political prisoners proper medical and other facilities guaranteed to them under jail rules,” War said.
Mr.War said most of the leaders were detained under “false and concocted cases under raconian laws” despite court orders to release them.
PPP Chairman, Mr. Hilal Ahmad War , termed the detention of political prisoners under draconian law , Public Safety Act ( PSA) an inhuman act and asked Amnesty International and other international Human Rights Organizations to take serious notice of the issue and press Government of India for the prisoners’ release.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Srinagar May 26 (Only Kashmir): Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Wednesday announced to hold a public rally at the Hazratbal shrine here on May 27 as part of the amalgam’s campaign against “illegal detention and ill-treatment of political prisoners across jails in Jammu and Kashmir.”In a statement issued, Geelani stressed that the rally would be “completely peaceful and disciplined.”He also appealed Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Red Cross and other international rights groups to take notice of what he termed the miserable condition of detainees and press the government of India for their release. “The issue is of grave concern and Hurriyat Conference cannot remain silent over it. New Delhi might have succeeded in enforcing the silence of graveyard in Kashmir by handing over the region to police and armed forces, but that doesn’t mean everything is alright. 1465 people, including over 50 Hurriyat leaders, are languishing in jails in and outside the state, for the crime of demanding freedom and respect for Kashmiris,” he said.Geelani alleged that officers with “communal bent of mind have turned jails in Jammu province into Abu Gharibs and Gauntanamo Bays.”The Hurriyat leader also flayed the International Red Cross for “failing to come to the aid of these detainees.”He said the government, in order to justify the prolonged detention of political activists and leaders, was itself creating rumours of June unrest, and “the police and other government forces are playing dangerous role.”Geelani expressed concern over the failing health of Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai, ‘General’ Moosa, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, Peer Saifullah, Masrat Alam Bhat, Asiya Andrabi, Shakeel Bakshi, Mushtaq ul Islam and other pro-freedom release and demanded their immediate release.


Monday, May 23, 2011


Srinagar, Geneva May 23 (Only Kashmir): Moderate Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umer Farooq may have had a secret meeting with ISI chief Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha in Europe, although he denies that.
The Mirwaiz had gone to Brussels for a Kashmir conference on May 3 and 4 and returned to Delhi on May 9.
Sources in Geneva said the Mirwaiz had travelled there from Brussels after the conference and reportedly met Pasha. The Pakistani media had reported that Pasha had gone to the US on May 6 but later it was stated that he had gone to some undisclosed country.
Mirwaiz denied that he had ever met the ISI chief. “On the day I am supposed to have met Shuja Pasha, the US had already killed Laden. How would Pasha come all the way to meet me when he was at the centre of world’s attention?’’ Mirwaiz told Only Kashmir. “I never met ISI chief’’.


Saturday, May 21, 2011


Srinagar May 21 (Only Kashmir): Chairman of his faction of Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Shah Geelani Saturday termed the Botanical Garden on the banks of Dal Lake as a “hub of immoral activities”.
Geelani said that India wanted to “strengthen its military occupation of Kashmir through cultural aggression.”
In a statement here, the octogenarian leader alleged that under a well-planned strategy, liquor, drugs and moral waywardness were being promoted in Kashmir in order to “corrupt the minds of young generation away from the freedom movement.”
He said the Botanical Garden was “a hub of immorality, where the collective honour of Kashmiris is being violated through immoral actions every day.”
“All this has the patronage of authorities and police has been deployed at this garden to prevent the possibility of any conscientious person raising his voice against this open debauchery,” he said.
Geelani alleged that the army and forces camps across Kashmir were the biggest suppliers of “drugs and liquor to youth and police is not unaware about all this.”
“The situation is getting worse with each passing day, and we cannot remain silent on it for too long. I appeal every conscientious person to keep a close eye on youth and take every possible step to stop them from falling into bad company,” he said.



Srinagar, Mirwaiz Manzil May 21 (Only Kashmir): Govt. decision to prevent people from offering fateh and paying tribute to their beloved leader and other martyrs at iddgah is
unfortunate and condemnable.
It is regrettable that the only standard response that the govt has to people’s aspirations and sentiments is repression, force and curbs.
Time and again through the exhibition of power the Govt. betrays the fundamental principles of democracy, which it claims to represent and uphold.
It is the right of every nation to honour and remember those that have sacrificed their lives for it. To build a memorial is the least we can do, in terms of paying a tribute to them. In India itself memorials of resistance against the British raj exist throughout, be
it at Jhaliyanwala Bagh, Jantarmantar, Rajghat etc.
By not allowing to build the memorial here the authorities cannot erase or deny the reality of the violence and brutality that has been inflicted on the people of Kashmir for demanding their basic political right. However what the Govt. needs to understand is that the people
of Kashmir have internalized the sacrifices rendered by the martyrs and their memory remains etched in the collective consciousness of this nation. No amount of force can alter that.
Mirwaiz once again reiterated that for lasting peace and development in the region, the key was a just and permanent resolution of the Kashmir issue. The sooner it was understood by all the better it was.



جیسا کہ آپ جانتے ہیں کہ آج ۲۱ مئی کو کشمیری عوام اپنے محبوب اور بے باک مذہبی و سیاسی قائد جموں وکشمیر عوامی مجلس عمل کے بانی سربراہ شہید ملت میرواعظ مولوی محمد فاروق صاحب ، شہید حریت خواجہ عبدالغنی لون اور ۲۱ مئی ۱۹۹۰ء کے خونین سانحہ میں ۷۰ سے زیادہ شہدائے حول اور آج تک کے تمام شہیدوں کو حسب معمول اجتماعی طور پر خراج عقیدت اور انکے حق میں فاتحہ خوانی کیلئے پر امن طور پرمزاج شہداء عیدگاہ سرینگر میں جمع ہونا تھا اور پھر جہاں ۲۰۰۷ء میں کل جماعتی حریت کانفرنس کی جانب سے اعلان اور پروگرام کے مطابق ان قومی شہیدوں کی یاد میں دیوار شہدا کا سنگ بنیاد رکھنا تھا لیکن بدقسمتی سے حکومت وقت نے آج ایک بار پھر اپنی بدترین آمریت اور تاناشاہی کا مظاہرہ کرکے آج کی تقریبات کو ناممکن بنانے کی مذموم کوشش کی۔ چنانچہ پولیس اور فورسز نے رات سے ہی شبانہ چھاپوں میں سینکڑووں تنظیمی عہدیداروں اور کارکنو کو نہ صرف حراست میں لے لیا ہے بلکہ ہر چہار سو خوف و ہراس اور دہشت کا ماحول برپا کیا گیاہے۔
حریت کے سرکردہ قائدین اور سینئر عہدیداروں جن میں جناب آغا سید حسن الموسوی الصفوی، جناب پروفیسر عبدالغنی بٹ، جناب بلال غنی لون، جناب شبیرشاہ ، جناب مختار احمد وازہ ، جناب نعیم احمد خان، ظفر اکبر بٹ، ایڈوکیٹ شاہد الاسلام وغیرہ شامل ہیں نہ صرف اپنے گھروں میں نظر بند کردئے گئے ہیں بلکہ دیگر علیحدگی پسند رہنماؤں جن میں محترم یاسین ملک ، جاوید احمد میر، بزرگ رہنما سید علی شاہ گیلانی وغیرہ کی نقل و حمل پر بھی سخت پابندی عائد ہے ۔ ہم ان غیر جمہوری اور آمرانہ کارروائیوں کی پر زور الفاظ میں مذمت کرتے ہیں ۔
پورے کشمیر میں عملاً اعلانیہ اور غیر اعلانیہ کرفیو نافذ کرکے جگہ جگہ بھاری تعداد میں پولیس فورسز اور نیم فوجی دستوں کو تعینات کیا گیا ہے اور مزار شہداء عیدگاہ آنے جانے کے تمام راستے سیل کردئے گئے ہیں۔
حکومت وقت نے طاقت کے بل پر عوامی جذبات و احساسات کو دبانے کی کوشش کی ہے کیونکہ آج قوم بالخصوص شہیدوں کے عزیز و اقرباء جن کے لخت جگر ۲۱ مئی ۱۹۹۰ ء کو شہید رہنما کے جسد خاکی کو کندھا دیتے وقت اسلامیہ کالج حول کے نزدیک اندھا دھند فائرنگ میں بے دردی سے شہید کردئے گئے تھے کو یاد کرنے اورانہیں عقیدت کے پھول نذر کرنے کیلئے جمع ہوتے۔
یہاں میں حکومت وقت سے کہناچاہتا ہوں کہ کشمیر ی عوامی اپنے شہیدوں، سرفروشوں اور محسنوں جنہوں نے اپنی قیمتی جانیں نچھاور کرکے اپنا آج ہمارے درخشاں مستقبل کیلئے قربان کیا ہے آج نہیں تو کل شہیدوں کی یادگار قائم کرکے ہی رہیں گے۔انشاء اللہ
البتہ حکومت نے اپنے اس ظالمانہ اور فسطائی قدم سے اپنے سیاہ کارناموں میں ایک اور باب کا اضافہ کیا ہے
اس مرحلے پرمیں حکومت ہند سے بھی یہ پوچھنا چاہوں گا کہ کیاانہوں نے اپنے ان شہیدوں کی یاد میں جنہوں نے آزادی ہند کیلئے اپنی جانیں نچھاور کیں یادگاریں قائم نہیں کی ہیں؟کیا بھارت کے چپے چپے میں جیسے جلیانوالا باغ، جنتر منتر،سبھاش چندر مارگ، راج گھاٹ، امر جیوتی پر بھارت کے ان شہیدوں کی جنہوں نے آزادی ہند کیلئے اپنی جانیں قربان کی تھیں کی یاد میں تعمیر نہیں کی گئی؟ ہیں کیا بھارت کے عوام ہر سال ان شہیدوں کی قربانیوں کو یاد نہیں کرتے ؟
پھر آخر ہمیں کیوں اپنے سرفروشوں کو یاد کرنے سے روکا جارہا ہے، قدغن لگایا جارہا ہے ، کیا بھارت اپنے اس دہرے معیار سے خود اپنی جمہوریت کے دعوؤں کی قلعی نہیں کھول رہا ہے ۔ افسوس ہمیں اپنے لخت جگروں اور عزیزوں کی فاتحہ خوانی اور انہیں یاد کرنے سے طاقت کے بل پر روکا جارہا ہے جو انہتائی شرمناک اور قابل مذمت ہے۔
ایک طرف حکومت ہند بین الاقوامی سطح پر یہ تاثر دے رہی ہے کہ وہ مسئلہ کشمیر کو مذاکرات کے ذریعے حل کرنا چاہتی ہے اور دوسری طرف کشمیر کے طول و ارض میں ظلم و جبر اور قید و بند کا بازار گرم رکھا گیا ہے انسانی حقوق کی پامالیوں کا سلسلہ جاری ہے اور ہمیں اپنے بچھڑے عزیزوں کو یاد کرنے کے حق سے بھی محروم کیا جارہا ہے ۔
ہم ان ظالمانہ اقدام سے نہ تو پہلے مرعوب ہوئے ہیں اور نہ ہی آگے ہوں گے بلکہ ان سے ہمارے شہیدو ں کے پاک مشن کی آبیاری اور اسے پایہ تکمیل تک پہنچانے کیلئے ہمارے عزائم میں مزید پختہ گی پیدا ہوگی اور ہم اپنی منزل حاصل کرکے رہیں گے۔ انشاء اللہ
میں پریس اور پرنٹ میڈیا کے معزز نمائندوں جنہوں نے مشکل اور ناموافق حالات میں بھی میری رہائش گاہ تک آنے کی زحمت فرمائی ، کا شکریہ ادا کرتا ہوں اور حکومت کی طرف سے انہیں اپنی پیشہ ورانہ ذمہ داریوں سے روکنے کے عمل کی پر زور الفاظ میں مذمت کرتا ہوں۔


میرواعظ مولوی محمد فاروق :دینی،سیاسی اور سماجی زندگی

میرواعظ خاندان کو ریاست جموں و کشمیر خاص کر وادی کشمیر میں انتہائی خاص مقام حاصل ہے ۔یہ خاندان ایک نہایت ہی معروف،باوقار ،عظیم اور قدیم خاندان ہے چنانچہ یہ خاندان جلیل القدر اکابر دین و ملت کی خدمات مسلسل 400سالوں سے انجام دیتا آرہا ہے ۔کشمیر کسی زمانے میں شرکیات،بدعات،خرافات اور رسومات بد کاآماجگاہ تھا اس خاندان کی طویل محنت اور کو ششوں کے بعد ان پر بڑی حد تک قلع قمع ہوگیا۔اس خاندان نے قابل قدر علمی اور ملی خدمات انجام دئیں وہیں اس خاندادن نے دینی ،اصلاح اور سیاسی میدانوں میں بھی گرانقد رول ادا کیا ۔اس خاندان کے بزرگوں اور اکابرین نا مساعد حالات میں احیائے دین،اقامت دین اور دعوت دین کا فریضہ انجام دیتے رہے ۔منصب اور من کے لحاظ سے میرواعظین فریضہ ’’قَال اﷲو قَال رسول اﷲ ‘‘ یعنی اشاعت و تبلیغ دین رہا ہے ۔اس خاندان کے مراسم روابطہ کچھ ایسے خاندان سے بھی رہے ہیں جنہوں نے ملک کشمیر میں حضرت امیر کبیر میر سید علی ہمدان کی روشن کی ہوئی شمع کی حفاظت کی ۔لفظ میرواعظ اصل میں فارسی لفظ ہے جس کا مطلب میر’’اعلیٰ‘‘واعظ’’مبلغ‘‘۔جب بھی کشمیر میں دینی، سیاسی یا سماجی تاریخ کا ذکر ہو تا ہے تو خاندان میرواعظین کی کئی شخصیات کا نام لئے بغیر نا مکمل محسوس ہو تا ہے۔جن میں مہاجر ملت میرواعظ مو لوی محمد یوسف شاہ (مفسر قرآن) اور شہید ملت میرواعظ مولوی محمد فاروق ہے۔مرحوم میر واعظ کشمیر مو لوی محمد فاروق 28ماہ ذی الحجہ1361ھ بمطابق 14دسمبر 1944ء میں میرواعظ منزل سرینگر میں پیدا ہوائے۔انہوں نے اسلامیہ اورینٹل کالج سے دینیات، اسلامیات اور عربی ادب و لٹریچر میں امتیازی پوزیشن سے کامیابی حاصل کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ انگریزی زبان و ادب میں بھی ڈگری مکمل کر کے سند حاصل کی۔18سال کی عمر میں مرحوم مولوی محمدفاروق کو ’’نائب میرواعظ‘‘ کے منصب پر فائز کیا گیاپھر مو صوف میرواعظ مو لوی محمد یوسف شاہ کی راولپنڈی میں وفات کے بعد میرواعظ کشمیر بنا ئے گئے ۔خاندان میرواعظ کے صدہا سال معمول کے مطابق ہزاروں مسلمانوں کی مو جودگی میں سرینگر کی تاریخٰ جامع مسجد میں مرحوم مولوی محمد فاروق کو باقاعدہ دستار بندی کی گئی۔27دسمبر1963ء کو جب آثار شریف درگاہ حضرتبل سرینگر سے مو ئے مقدس کی گمشدگی سے پورے کشمیر میں بے چینی کا ماحول اور غصہ نظر آہا تھا ،سارا نظام ٹھپ ہو کر رہ گیا،لوگ سڑکوں پر نکل آئے اورمو ئے مقدس کی بازیابی کے حق میں صدا ئے احتجاج کر نے لگے۔ایسے میں کچھ سیاسی رہنمایا تو جیلوں میں تھے کچھ باہر۔وادی بھر سے لوگوں کے جلوس میرواعظ منزل راجوری کدل آتے رہے ۔اس دوران موئے مقدس کی بازیابی کیلئے شہید ملت میرواعظ مو لوی محمد فاروق نے قیادت کو ہا تھوں میں لیتے ہو ئے مو ئے مقدسکی بازیابی کیلئے عوامی تحریک چلائی ،اس طرح مرحوم میرواعظ مو لوی محمد فاروق کی سیاسی زندگی کا آغازہوا۔ موئے مقدس کی بازیابی کیلئے انہوں نے وادی کے تمام دینی،ملی اور سیاسی تنظیموں کے سربراہوں ونمائندوں کا ایک اجلاس بلاکر’ایکشن کمیٹی‘‘کی بنیاد ڈالی جس کی قیاد ت میرواعظ مولوی فاروق کر رہے تھے۔مو ئے مقدس کی بازیابی کیلئے چلا ئی گئی عوامی تحریک کو کامیاب بنانے کے خاطر آپ کا اہم اور کلیدی رول رہا۔مسلم کانفرنس پر با قاعدہ پابندی عائد تھی اس لئے مو ئے مقدسکی بازیابی کے بعد کشمیر میں عوامی اتحاد کو اصل شکل دینے اور ریاست جموں و کشمیر کے عوام کو بنیادی اور انسانی حقوق کی بحالی خاص طور پر جموں و کشمیر کے عوام کا بنیادی حق ’’حق خودارادیت‘‘کے حصول کیلئے مسلم کا نفرنس کا احیائے نو کرتے ہو ئے میرواعظ مو لوی محمد فاروق نے1964ء میں عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی کے نام سے ایک الگ سیاسی تنظٰم کی قیام عمل میں لائی۔مرحوم نے اندرا عبداﷲ ایکارڈ کی مخالفت کی اور اس ایکارڈ کیخلاف رائے عامہ منظم کرنے کیلئے سرینگر میں ایک جلوس کی قیادت بھی کی۔مذکورہ ایکارڈ کو مسترد کرتے ہو ئے مرحوم نے ’’حق خودارادیت‘‘ کا نعرہ بلند کیا۔1965ء ہندو پاک جنگ کے دوران میرواعظ مولوی محمد فاروق کو گرفتار کر لیا گیا ۔2سال2مہینے اور10دن تک مسلسل انہیں قید رکھا گیا۔جیل سے رہا ئی پا نے کے بعد انہوں نے’’ حق خودارادیت‘‘کے حصول کیلئے پرامن جدو جہد تیز کی۔وہ ہمیشہ مسئلہ کشمیر کو حل کرانے کیلئے ہندو پاک کے درمیان بہتر تعلقات کے خواہاں تھے۔مرحوم یو این او کی قراردادوں کے مطابق مسئلہ کشمیر کو حل کرانے پر زور دیتے تھے۔انہوں نے سب سے پہلے سہ فریقی مذاکرات کی تجویز پیش کی اور اس بات کا باضابطہ اعلان کیا کہ مسئلہ کشمیر کے تین فریق ہیں،کشمیری عوام،پاکستان اور ہندوستان۔لہذا اس مسئلہ کا حل کشمیریوں کی خواہشات کے مطابق نکالا جانا چاہیے۔شہید ملت نے جس کشمیر کو خون سے سینچا وہ کشمیر ہمارا ہے سب سے پہلے عوامی اجتماع کے دوران متعارف کیا۔تعلیم کو فروغ دینے میں ان کا کافی رول رہا ہے۔انہوں نے کئی تعلیمی،درسگاہوں اور فلاحی اداروں کی بنیاد ڈالی ہے جن میں انجمن نصرۃ السلام ،انجمن اوقاف جامع وغیرہ قابل ذکر ہے۔21مئی 1990ء کو شہید ملت میرواعظ مو لوی محمد فاروق کی شہادت کا سانحہ پیش آیا۔مرحوم کو ان کے گھر میں نامعلوم مسلحہ افراد نے گولی ماردی۔لاکھوں لوگوں کی مو جودگی میں انہیں ’’مزار شہداء عیدگاہ‘‘سرینگر میں سپردخاک کیا گیا۔جب ان کی میت کو صورہ سے میرواعظ منزل راجوری کدل لا یا جا رہا تھا تو اسلامیہ کالج حول کے قریب سیکورٹی فورسز نے ہجوم سوگواراں پر بلا جواز فائرنگ کر دی جس کے نتیجہ میں تقریبا 70افراد ہلا ک ہو گئے جبکہ سینکڑوں کی تعداد میں زخمی ہو ئے۔مر حوم کی شہادت کے بعد پوری وادی با لخصوص مسلم علاقوں میں غم کی لہر دوڑی جس کے نتیجے میں قریب2ہفتے تک مکمل ہڑتال رہی ۔


Friday, May 20, 2011


A Glowing Tribute to Charismatic leader and great Revolutionary
By: Prof. Habib Ullah Jeelani
This is, by far, one of the harshest realities and cruelest ironies of history that when the time came for the big day of freedom to dawn upon the subcontinent way back in 1947, Kashmir which was a separate sovereign state at that time got submerged in the murkiest and muddiest waters of subjugation and suppression. Its sovereign status was malignantly subverted as a sequel to the so-called Instrument of Accession, albeit subject to approval by the people of Jammu & Kashmir, through the provision of plebiscite, which has not happened till date. And since that day forth, the intricate Kashmir imbroglio has been awaiting and eluding a permanent and durable solution, pending which tens of thousands of precious lives and scores of prominent personalities belonging to this hapless region were lost for ever. Pertinently, one prominent and towering personality who laid down his life at the altar of ongoing freedom struggle was Moulvi Mohammad Farooq, whose martyrdom ceremony is observed every year on 21st May as a token of profound love and deferential reverence to him for his outstanding contribution to the historical cause of freedom and right to self- determination.
Truly speaking, an iconic figure and effervescent personality, admirably endowed with myriad outstanding attributes of revolutionary leadership, symbolizing the epoch-making saga of life-long struggle, supreme sacrifice and exalted martyrdom sure to go down in the annals of freedom movement of Jammu & Kashmir in the letters of gold, the late Moulvi Mohammad Farooq will be remembered and revered by the grateful and freedom-loving people of this lovely land for the historical role that he vigorously played in championing the legitimate and widely-acknowledged cause of the people at every forum, ever since he made his debut in politics.
History stands an authentic and eloquent testimony to the fact that this revolutionary leader who stood deeply committed to the sublime cause of freedom was subjected to unprecedented brutalities and atrocities at the hands of the powers that be. It is pertinent to mention here that he suffered life-long hardships, prolonged incarceration and ultimately he embraced martyrdom at the hands of heartless and diabolical forces deadly against and intrinsically antagonistic to the sublime cause of freedom and right to self- determination.
It may be recalled that Moulvi Mohammad Farooq came forward to galvanize and mobilize the people of Jammu & Kashmir and inspired them to ventilate their deep anguish and shock over the agonizing incident that took place in December, 1964 when the most sacred relic of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was mysteriously displaced from the holy shrine of Hazratbal. It was on this somber occasion that Moulvi Mohammad Farooq emerged as a frontline leader of Kashmir and was unanimously elected as chairman of a new party christened as ‘Awami Action Committee’ which was an amalgam of 23 political and religious organizations. This newly formed party assumed wider popularity and dimension with the passage of time as its creation was based upon a revolutionary concept, indeed. Thus this party is credited to be the main rallying force to facilitate the articulation and communication of the genuine, legitimate and long- standing aspirations of the people of J&K and their sentiments for independence.
As a matter of fact, an illustrious scion of a high-profile Mirwaiz dynasty of Kashmir, Moulvi Mohammad Farooq, happened to be an accomplished Islamic scholar and cleric who had deep understanding of the holy Quran and Ahadis. He was an outstanding orator gifted with the mellifluous voice and mesmerizing accent to deliver the sermons and speeches on the occasions of religious importance and especially in Friday congregations. There is no denying the fact that his charismatic personality and captivating oratorical attributes won him enormous accolades and encomiums from the people of all walks of life and all shades of thought and opinion.
He epitomized in him a host of noble and commendable qualities like elegance, erudition, politeness, philanthropy, generosity etc. Known for his exemplary courage and temperate disposition, Moulvi Mohammad Farooq was a soft spoken, sincere and straight- forward human being. Besides being a great revolutionary leader, Moulvi Mohammad Farooq was an eminent scholar who had a thorough grasp of the religious matters. He was not only a symbol of revolution for freedom but also an emblem of revolt against the repressive imperialistic forces that kept J&K under protracted subjugation. He gave a clarion call for Azadi and thus earned the wrath of the Indian leadership as well as the puppet regimes of the time. He, however, launched a relentless and life-long crusade and vigorous campaign against the alien rule imposed by Indian leadership. He was a staunch revolutionary who fought for freedom all through his life. Though his cherished dream of freedom could not be translated into reality during his life time, yet he bequeathed this onerous legacy to the upcoming generations of J&K. He was deeply imbued with the spirit of Azadi and dignity for the people of J&K. He pursued the perilous path paved with tremendous hazards and hardships. He never yielded to suppression or repression inflicted upon him from time to time by the brutal powers that be. Nor was he lured by any sort of blandishment, whatsoever. Had he been spared for some years more, the ongoing freedom struggle would have definitely gained further momentum because it was his life’s mission as well as his cherished vision to attain the exalted goal of freedom for which he laid down his life.
There are no two opinions about the fact that if such a leader of towering stature and Himalayan determination had been alive today, he would have brought both India and Pakistan closer into the embrace of reconciliation—a sine qua non for the durable and dignified resolution of long-standing Kashmir issue, heralding an era of peace & stability in the sub-continent.
Volumes may, of course, be scripted & spoken, eulogizing the historically significant and substantial role played by this high-profile revolutionary leader in championing the just cause of right to self-determination as duly endorsed and acknowledged by the world community as a whole.
However, to wrap it up, the best and most befitting tribute that could be paid to the memory of this multi-dimensional personality would be to strive inexorably towards the set goal of the right to self-determination for the people of J&K as envisioned by him. It seems to be inevitable that given the way this extraordinarily courageous and charismatic leader nurtured with his precious life- blood the crucial cause of freedom movement of J&K he is apt to go down in history as the hero and darling of the present as well as the coming generations. Further, given the international support and opinion in favor of the inevitability of the resolution of the crucial Kashmir problem, hanging fire since 1947, this leader of revolution will continue to shine on the historical horizon of J&K for all times to come.
His sterling role and supreme sacrifice to infuse a new lease of life into the freedom struggle of this region will be remembered and recognized by every freedom-loving soul here.
May his soul be blessed with eternal peace and serenity! Ameen


Thursday, May 19, 2011


May 19 (Only Kashmir): Osama bin Laden extols the "winds of change" blowing in the Arab world and asks Muslims around the world to keep the present day revolutions from running out of steam in a new audio tape apparently recorded a few months before his death.
Al Qaeda has released a new "posthumous" 13-minute audio tape of bin Laden which has an apparent reference to revolts in Tunisia and Egypt.
This is the first audio message of bin Laden released by Al Qaeda after his death.
"Al Qaeda's media arm, as-Sahab, released a posthumous audio from slain Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden addressing Muslims about the revolutions sweeping the Middle East and North Africa," SITE Intel Group said.
"The winds of change flew to the square of Tahrir (in Cairo)... and a great revolution was begun," bin Laden is quoted as saying in the audio.
"This wasn't a revolution of starving and pain, but a revolution of giving and peace. The great oppression in our countries has reached great levels and we have delayed enough the wave of change," he says.
The Al Qaeda leader, who was killed by United States forces in a special operation in Pakistan on May 2, asks Muslims to not let the new wave of revolution wear out. He tells Muslims to fight ignorance for the revolutions to succeed.
"Let the truth ring out. Remember those that go out with a sword are true believers, those that go fight with their tongue are true believers, and those that fight in their hearts are true believers," bin Laden says.
"Oh Muslims, you have seen many revolutions in your past...those that the people have been so happy about, but then have turned into nothing. And the way to keep these revolutions from having the same problem is fighting ignorance," he said
"And some of the most important information is Islam. For this is the true crisis that has hit our nations," he says according to the available translation of his message.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Srinagar, May 18 (Only Kashmir): Moderate separatist leader Mirwaiz Umer Farooq today advocated inclusion of Kashmiris in the dialogue process between India and Pakistan for resolution of the lingering Kashmir problem.
"The Indian government should ensure participation of Kashmiris in the on-going dialogue with Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue in accordance with wishes and aspirations of the people," he told a seminar here.
The seminar "Kashmir Masla -- Hal Ki Talash" was organised by the moderate faction of the Hurriyat Conference headed by Mirwaiz.
"Kashmir issue has its own history. We have our own identity and unless the problem is resolved in its historic perspective, no forward movement (in the composite dialogue) is possible," Mirwaiz said.
JKLF chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik also addressed the seminar.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Srinagar, May 17 (Only Kashmir) : The Arab League, an association of 22 Arab countries, looks forward to "peaceful coexistence" in Jammu and Kashmir but has no specific position on the dispute between India and Pakistan, says its ambassador.
Addressing a peace conference here late Monday, Arab League Ambassador Ahmed Salem Al Wahishi said: "The League of Arab States has no specific position on the question of Jammu and Kashmir."
"We look forward to peaceful coexistence and tolerance in the whole region."
The peace conference was organised by J&K Peace Foundation.
Jammu and Kashmir, Al Wahishi said, had passed through a violent situation of hatred and confusion for the last 20 years.
"We want peace to last in West Asia, South Asia and the entire world."


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Washington May 11 (Only Kashmir): A Kashmir born and Pakistan based militant commander Ilyas Kashmiri, who has been linked to multiple terror plots — including a series of planned “Mumbai style” attacks in European cities last summer — has emerged a possible successor to Osama bin Laden as leader of al-Qaida, according to U.S. officials
law enforcement and intelligence agencies have increasingly focused on him in recent years. The CIA has targeted him in drone attacks in northwest Pakistan and federal prosecutors have indicted him in a major terrorism case involving a Chicago businessman who goes on trial next week.
An elusive figure who often wears heavily tinted aviator glasses, Kashmiri remains at large and active in plotting new attacks against the West, U.S. officials say. It was Kashmiri who, according to U.S.
officials, was the key figure behind a suspected plot for multiple attacks in European cities, patterned after the 2008 Mumbai terror strike, which led to a widely publicized State Department travel advisory in October.
While Ayman al-Zawahri remains the “presumed” successor to bin Laden, the longtime al-Qaida deputy is deeply unpopular in some circles and his elevation is by no means guaranteed, a senior U.S. official told reporters this weekend. If al-Zawahri doesn’t make it, Kashmiri may emerge as the dark horse in the ensuing power struggle, the official told NBC.
“His star has been on the rise for the last several years,” said the official. “He would have to be on the al-Qaida short list.”
Kashmiri was at one point a member of the Pakistani military, serving as a commando in a Special Services Group that was once tasked with training Afghan mujahedeen to fight the Soviets.
He was later reassigned to train Kashmiri fighters against the Indians, but broke from the Pakistani army and joined a terrorist group — called Harakat-ul Jihad-i-Islami, or HUJI (“Movement of Islamic Holy War”) — that has been closely aligned with al-Qaida.


Monday, May 9, 2011


Srinagar, May 9 (Only Kashmir): Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Monday dismisses reports about any links between the Al-Qaeda terror outfit and the militants in the valley.
Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of administrative secretaries here, Abdullah ruled out the presence of Al-Qaeda in the valley region.
"A lot of people have tried to draw parallels and links between al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and what has happened in Jammu and Kashmir. Osama bin Laden himself has from time to time talked about Kashmir, as one of his unfinished agendas," said Abdullah.
"But, in the two and a half odd years that I have had the honour of chairing the unified command as Chief Minister, I have yet to be shown any piece of intelligence that would suggest a link between Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and what happens in Jammu and Kashmir," he added.
Further talking about the dialogue process initiated by the Centre, Abdullah said: "The dialogue between the government's interlocutors and the people of the state is on and it is needed to speed up the process and every effort should be made and that the limit of talks should be widened."
"And those who have not participated in the peace talks should also come forward and be included in talks. Because if they say that apart from dialogue and discussion there is no solution then staying out of the dialogue is also no solution," he added.
The Centre had appointed a three-member panel comprising Dileep Padgaonkar, M M Ansari and academician Radha Kumar as interlocutors in the Jammu and Kashmir dialogue process on October 13 last year to deliberate with cross section of opinion in the state, including militants, to find a lasting political settlement.


Sunday, May 8, 2011


“I was a dreamer and still am,” says Mushaal Mullick. “Challenging, thrilling and adventurous things have always attracted me.” This 25-year-old Pakistani is married to Mohammad Yasin Malik, chairman of one faction of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF).
Malik, 45, is a former well-known separatist leader.It was hard work for her to win permission to marry him, and it has not been easy since. It is difficult for her to get a visa to visit Kashmir and her husband. When she is here she also faces his critics and protesters.
Yet she is finding a public role for herself — not in politics. Mullick wants to help revive the handicrafts of Kashmir. Whenever she is in Kashmir, she says she meets artisans to show them how to sell their products and keep traditions alive, even as machine-work crowds out their exquisite handiwork. She says she plans to organise exhibitions of the artisans’ work in Srinagar, New Delhi and Islamabad. She hopes this will broaden the artisans’ reach and allow potential buyers to see their work.She is also trying to change labour policies. Most craftsmen work on an ad hoc basis and survive on daily wages. A further source of stress for them is that, during curfews and protests, workshops shut down, which leaves the artisans without work or pay. Mullick says she has long-term plans to raise funds which will be used to set up looms owned by the artisans themselves.
“Why should the artisans of Kashmir get killed or suffer?” she asks. “I plan to broaden their vision and encourage them, as I myself am an artist” — she has painted since childhood — “and understand the sensitive nature of such people. Kashmir has such rich heritage and I intend to explore this positive side of Kashmiris, and promote it to raise their morale.” This includes supporting research on shawl-making, tila-embroidery, papier manhie and carpet-making. She
also runs an NGO which focuses on women’s rights, orphans, and animal rights. She holds exhibitions of her paintings and donates the proceeds to charity.
Mullick was born into an affluent intellectual family in Lahore, raised in Islamabad and educated at Cambridge University and the London School of Economics. Mullick and her brother were given every luxury. “As a child, I enjoyed trekking, riding, arm-wrestling, camping — all things that require a lot of energy and spirit.” She was still a child when her father died. Her mother is a former secretary-general of the Pakistan Muslim League women’s wing and executive member of PML’s Central Executive Committee. Mullick lives with her mother in Islamabad — because, given visa troubles and politics, she is only occasionally able to see her husband in Kashmir. She describes her mother as her source of strength. She needed that strength on February 22, 2009, the day of her engagement, when her fiance was arrested under the Public Safety Act. She put up abrave face, she says, but it was six months before she was able to marry, in August.
Abuse and threats are a feature of her life with Malik. “We have faced many challenges since our engagement. Scandals were published that gave a negative picture to our union.” In January 2010, when the JKLF head was visiting New Delhi to give a lecture on Kashmir, he faced
protesters hurling abuse. In February 2011 the couple was harassed in Delhi outside the house where they were staying. During a visit to the Dargah in Ajmer, Rajasthan, they were attacked with shoes and bottles. “What really hurt me,” says Mullick, “was that a religious place was used for protests against us.”The attacks have not deterred Mullick. “On the brighter side,” she says, “we received countless prayers and love from the people, which really gave us immens happiness. Love has no barriers and that is something I believe in. The soul unites and then God sets the path.”The two met in June 2005 in Islamabad, she says, at a high-profile luncheon. Malik was in Pakistan to gather support. He was reciting an Iqbal Bano ghazal as she entered the room. “His rendition had a very powerful impact on me,” she says, “and I felt that this man was genuine about his cause. In our case, it was completely a spiritual love, it was old-fashioned romance.”
Both were introduced formally. Before leaving for Kashmir, Malik one day telephoned her. “We were both very formal, until he blurted out, ‘I am in love with you.’ Totally shocked,” she says, “I quickly hung up, and as the days rolled on, I mulled over what to do. A month later I had a dream in which my family approved our marriage and I realised that this is my fate. I called Yasin the very next day and he was very excited.”
After Malik left for Srinagar, they kept in touch online, because calls to
Pakistan are not allowed. It took four years for the marriage to happen. “We encountered many hurdles,” she says. “First, I was too young. Second, I had to know more about his life. Third and most important, my family had to be convinced.” The age difference of 20 years had become an issue, apart from his risky life and health. Both families met during a Haj trip, and that is when the marriage was formalised.
Mullick supports her husband’s cause. Last month, Malik was arrested for, it is alleged, attacking a police station in Srinagar. She says he has to undergo a crucial surgery this month, so she is trying to be with him. “So as long as I get the visa,” she says, “I will be in Kashmir.”
[Source: Kashmir Watch]


Friday, May 6, 2011


Srinagar May 6, 2011 (Only Kashmir): Three people were killed and two others injured in a collision between an Alto Car and Diesel Tipper, near Ishwara village on the Srinagar-Islamabad highway late night on Thursday. The victims were looking for a Baraat Reception which was to be held in Mutton, Islamabad.
Three persons including a 12 year old boy were killed when an Alto car on way to Islamabad from Srinagar hit a Tanker near Ishbara. The victims were traveling in the Alto and were proceeding to Mutton, Islamabad when the mishap took place last night at about 9.00pm. Three of the people died on the spot.
The Three deceased people have been identified as under:
(1) Mohd Rafiq 35 of Kraal Tang Mahraj Gunj (2) Mohd Ashraf 30 of Saraf Kadal Mahraj Gunj (3) Naseer Ahmad Dar 12 of Sheikh Mohalla Mahraj Gunj.
Another person (name held) was rushed to a local hospital from where he was referred to Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) in a critical condition official sources said to Only Kashmir.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


London May 04 (Only Kashmir): Welcomes EU And OIC Co-operation on Kashmir.

Addressing the Fifth Global Discourse on Kashmir, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Chairman All Parties Hurriyat Conference has opined that the recent developments in the Middle East are a categorical expression of the sentiments and aspirations of the people living there. It is a categorical message for those who are suppressing the aspirations of the people that they will have to bow to the collective will of the masses. Therefore it is the right time for the Govt. of India to take the Kashmiri aspirations seriously and work towards the resolution of the Kashmir conflict.
The Mirwaiz welcomed the India Pakistan engagement and hoped that it will lead to positive outcome provided it is made inclusive and the Kashmiri leadership is associated with this process. “The dialogue should help reduce the apprehensions and the people must feel its impact in their day-to-day lives. Infact confidence needs to be built at different levels” he said. The imlimentation of the suggestions already sent to the Govt.of India by the APHC can be a starting point.
Mirwaiz said that this conference was providing a historic opportunity for not only the European Union but also the OIC to work jointly on initiatives to resolve the Kashmir issue. He welcomed the European Union and OIC collaboration on Kashmir for the first time and called it a historic development for addressing the conflict situation in Kashmir. Mirwaiz implored for strengthen of this relationship. “What actually is needed is international support for the success of the recently restored dialogue between India and Pakistan. We people of Kashmir look for the international facilitation and partnership for lasting peace in the south Asian region. And the OIC EU cooperation can provide the much needed backup in this direction” the mirwaiz said.
Mr. Abdul Alim, Assistant Secretary General of the OIC, speaking during the discourse reiterated the OIC’s support to the Kashmiris right to Self-determination. He also declared that the OIC would cooperate with the EU to find a honourable and lasting solution to the Kashmir dispute.
Sherry Rehman reiterated the desire of the Pakistan government and the people of Pakistan to support all such efforts, which help the people of Kashmir to address their aspirations. She called for the inclusion of the Kashmiri leadership in the dialogue process between India and Pakistan.
James Ellis Chairman All Parties group EU, who in his introductory remarks referred to the continuity of the discourses, chaired the session. This fifth discourse was a continuation of the fourth discourse. This effort in the EU was essentially for finding the routes and ways to conflict resolution in Kashmir


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Srinagar May 03 (Only Kashmir): Though no attack on India has been directly tracked back to Osama bin Laden , the motley group of radical Islamists everywhere who united under the al-Qaeda umbrella might have supported terror attacks on Indian soil.
Even though the dreaded self-proclaimed holy warrior only once mentioned India in his televised addresses, he was regarded a credible threat to the country, as a terrorist with the means to galvanise and support various groups working against the state.
In a statement aired by Al Jazeera on April 23, 2006, bin Laden spoke of India and Kashmir for the first time directly and claimed there was a Zionist-Hindu conspiracy against Muslims.
"A UN resolution passed more than half a century ago gave Muslim Kashmir the liberty of choosing independence from India. (US President) George Bush, the leader of the crusaders' campaign, announced a few days ago that he will order his converted agent (Pakistani President General Pervez) Musharraf to shut down the Kashmir mujahideen camps, thus affirming that it is a Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims ," bin Laden said.
He appealed to his supporters to support the insurgency in Kashmir. "It is the duty for the Umma with all its categories, men, women and youths, to give away themselves, their money, experiences and all types of material support, enough to establish jihad particularly in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kashmir and Chechnya."
Though disparate radical elements within India might have drawn inspiration from bin Laden's activities, al-Qaeda was never able to attract significant number of recruits from among India's estimated 160 million Muslims.
"Bin Laden's message is unlikely to resonate deeply in Indian states with higher Muslim concentrations. Although the country has a long and bloody history of communal violence between Hindus and Muslims, the more radical segments of India's Muslim population have kept their conflict localised and have avoided taking part in the global jihadist movement," the geopolitical intelligence firm Stratfor noted in a paper in 2006.
"Instead, bin Laden's words of inspiration will likely spur greater militant activity by Kashmir-based militants, which could materialise as an attack within a major urban centre in India," the paper added, then.


Monday, May 2, 2011


Srinagar May 02 (Only Kashmir): In an oblique reference to Osama Bin Laden’s killing, Hurriyat Conference (M) Monday said terrorism was an evil and condemnable act in any form and shape but stressed the need of “identifying its root causes.”
“Hurriyat has always condemned terrorism in any form and believes that terrorism perpetrated by any person, group or government is an evil act, a crime against humanity. However, until the root causes of violence are not identified and changes brought in the dominating attitude of certain countries regarding international politics and economics peace and universal brotherhood would remain a distant dream,” the amalgam said in a statement issued to Only Kashmir.
“We can only move forward and inculcate positive thinking if rights of people are usurped in certain regions. The situation in Kashmir, Palestine , Iraq, Afghanistan and the recent unrest in Arab countries needs to be tackled sensibly and realistically. The truth is that any act or ideology against oppression can take the form of violence anytime,” the amalgam said, appealing leaders of international community to “identify the causes of disillusionment and pave way for positive thinking to ensure a safe and peaceful future.”



Srinagar, May 2 (Only Kashmir): Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has raised questions over the role of Pakistan and its agencies in tracking down of world's most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in a CIA operation outside the Pakistani capital yesterday.
"Did Pakistan give up OBL (Osama bin Laden) or did they get caught out? (a) 25 million dollar question," he wrote on the micro-blogging site
"Well, perhaps the fact that this couldn't have happened without the active involvement of Pakistan/ISI will help cool things," he said.
As the social networking sites were abuzz with discussion over Laden's end, the Chief Minister also chipped in with his opinion.
"OBL 'buried at sea?. The conspiracy theorists couldn't have asked for a better start. Bring it on now!", he quipped.



May 02 (Only Kashmir): Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed by US forces at his compound in north-west Pakistan.
The news of his death has drawn reaction from around the world. Here are some key quotes.
US President Barack Obama
Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children.
US President Barack Obama confirms the death of Osama Bin Laden
For over two decades, Bin Laden has been al-Qaeda's leader and symbol, and has continued to plot attacks against our country and our friends and allies. The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda.
Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There's no doubt that al-Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must - and we will - remain vigilant at home and abroad.
As we do, we must also reaffirm that the United States is not - and never will be - at war with Islam.
Former US President George W Bush
This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.
Former US President Bill Clinton
This is a profoundly important moment not just for the families of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and in al-Qaeda's other attacks but for people all over the world who want to build a common future of peace, freedom, and co-operation for our children.
I congratulate the president, the National Security team and the members of our armed forces on bringing Osama Bin Laden to justice after more than a decade of murderous al-Qaeda attacks.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg
After September 11, 2001, we gave our word as Americans that we would stop at nothing to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden. After the contribution of millions, including so many who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, we have kept that word.
New Yorkers have waited nearly 10 years for this news. It is my hope that it will bring some closure and comfort to all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.
House Speaker John Boehner
This is great news for the security of the American people and a victory in our continued fight against al-Qaeda and radical extremism around the world.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai
We hope that the terrorists' activities will be stopped after Osama Bin Laden's death which was his punishment.
And as well, the world should realise what we have repeatedly said all these years and every single day, that the war against terrorism should not be followed in the villages of Afghanistan.
The war against terrorism is not in the houses of innocent Afghan civilians. The fight against terrorism is not in bombing children and women in Afghanistan. The war against terrorism should be carried out in his safe haven, sanctuary and his training camp, not in Afghanistan, and today this has been proved right.
Pakistan foreign ministry
Osama Bin Laden's death illustrates the resolve of the international community, including Pakistan, to fight and eliminate terrorism. It constitutes a major setback to terrorist organisations around the world.
Indian foreign ministry
The world must not let down its united effort to overcome terrorism and eliminate the safe havens and sanctuaries that have been provided to terrorists in our own neighbourhood. The struggle must continue unabated.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron
The news that Osama Bin Laden is dead will bring great relief to people across the world.
David Cameron: "It is a massive step forward"
Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the worst terrorist atrocities the world has seen - for 9/11 and for so many attacks, which have cost thousands of lives, many of them British.
It is a great success that he has been found and will no longer be able to pursue his campaign of global terror.
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair
My heartfelt gratitude to President Obama and to all of those who so brilliantly undertook and executed this operation. We should never forget 9/11 was also the worst ever terrorist attack against UK civilians, and our thoughts are with all those - American, British and from nations across the world - who lost their lives and with their loved ones who remain and who live with their loss.
9/11 was an attack not just on the United States, but on all those who shared the best values of civilisation.
The operation shows those who commit acts of terror against the innocent will be brought to justice, however long it takes.
So this is a huge achievement in the fight against terrorism but we know the fight against the terrorism and the ideology that Bin Laden represents continues and is as urgent as ever.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy
The scourge of terrorism has suffered a historic defeat but it's not the end of al-Qaeda.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The US military has achieved a decisive blow against al-Qaeda with its commando action against Osama Bin Laden and his killing.
Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Terror was brought to many countries on his direct orders and in his name, against men, women and children, Christians and Muslims. Osama Bin Laden claimed to be acting in the name of Islam, but in reality he made a mockery of the basic values of his and all other religions.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
This is a great result for the United States but also for all democracies. I think that we should not lower our guard because this could provoke reactions in the world of terrorism.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague
I think people throughout the world will be relieved about this news and we congratulate the United States on ending the reign of terror of Osama Bin Laden himself.
Of course it does not mean that we should not be vigilant against terrorism it does not mean the work of all those involved in trying to prevent terrorism is over, but it is a very important step.
European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek
We have woken up in a more secure world.
Turkish President Abdullah Gul
This shows that terrorists and terrorist group leaders in the end are caught whether dead or alive. The most dangerous and sophisticated terrorist organisation leader in the world being caught this way should be a lesson to everyone.
The Kremlin welcomes the serious success the United States achieved in the war against international terrorism. Retribution inevitably reaches all terrorists.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a resounding triumph for justice, freedom and the values shared by all democratic nations fighting shoulder to shoulder in determination against terrorism.
Israeli President Shimon Peres
It is a great piece of news for the free world, it is a great achievement for the security forces of the United States of America, it is a great achievement for the president of the United States, Barack Obama.
This man was a mega-murderer, he killed thousands and thousands of people, people who were totally innocent. He tried to murder people and murder nations including the State of Israel. He reached his end.
Terrorists and murderers are so dangerous. We shouldn't fall victim to believe that they are immune. They are weak, they are wrong, they are foolish and we should not stop fighting them - day and night.
Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki
The killing of Osama has taken place nearly 13 years after the terrorist bombings in Nairobi that led to the death of over 200 people, in an act believed to have been masterminded by Osama. His killing is an act of justice to those Kenyans who lost their lives and the many more who suffered injuries.
Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga
Kenyans are happy and thank the US people, the Pakistani people and everybody else who managed to kill Osama. Osama's death can only be positive for Kenya, but we need to have a stable government in Somalia.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan
We welcome this significant progress in counter-terrorism measures, and I pay respect to the efforts by the officials concerned, including those in the United States and Pakistan.
As a responsible member of the international community, we will continue being thorough in our anti-terrorism measures and making active and responsible contributions to its efforts.
Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard
Whilst al-Qaeda has been hurt today, al-Qaeda is not finished. Our war against terrorism must continue. We continue to be engaged in Afghanistan so that that country does not again become a haven for terrorists.
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key
Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, including New Zealanders, in several different parts of the world.
While his removal will not necessarily bring an immediate end to terrorist activity, I have absolutely no doubt that the world is a safer place without Osama Bin Laden.



Washington May 02 (Only Kashmir): Osama bin Laden, the glowering mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, terror attacks that killed thousands of Americans, was killed in an operation led by the United States, President Barack Obama said on Monday.
"Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaida, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children," Obama said in a surprise late night White House address.
The world's most wanted man had been killed in a Pakistani compound in an operation on Sunday, which had been carried after cooperation from Islamabad, the US leader said.
"A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties."
A jubilant crowd gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden's death after a global manhunt that lasted nearly a decade.
"Justice has been done," the president Obama said.
The development comes just months before the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centers and Pentagon, orchestrated by bin Laden's al-Qaida organization, that killed more than 3,000 people.
The attacks set off a chain of events that led the United States into wars in Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and America's entire intelligence apparatus was overhauled to counter the threat of more terror attacks at home.
Al-Qaida organization was also blamed for the 1998 bombings of two US embassies in Africa that killed 231 people and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole that killed 17 American sailors in Yemen, as well as countless other plots, some successful and some foiled.


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