Mr.War appealed the International Human Rights Organizations (Amnesty International, Asia watch, Human Rights Watch etc.) and U.N. Secretary General to take the serious notice of case and take up the issue in International Foras and also with New Delhi against gross Human Rights violations at the hands of Indian authorities either through its occupational forces stationed in Jammu and Kashmir or through Police and Jail authorities.
PPP Chief urged World Community to raise these issues with the Indian government, and in particular to express concern about the lack of accountability for human rights violations, which often results in an unending cycle of violence and retribution.
In Jammu and Kashmir the armed forces have committed torture, enforced disappearances, and targeted killings disguised as shoot-outs. These abuses are facilitated by Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which gives the army widespread powers to search, arrest, and use lethal force, while assuring immunity from prosecution.
Mr.War, said the Government of India has forgotten that in times of war, certain humainitarian rules must be observed, even with regard to the enemy. These rules are set out maily in the four Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 and their Additional Protocols of June 08, 1977. Once armed conflict breaks out, the Conventions and Protocols shall be applicable in all cincumstances.
Since ICRC is the custodian of Geneva Conventions, therefore, it is obligatory for ICRC to take a serious note of violation of Geneva Conventions by India which is the signatory of 4 Geneva Conventions.
In a statement issued here, War flayed the authorities for detaining Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, ‘General’ Moosa, Peer Saifuullah, Mehraj-ud-Din Kalwal, Asiya Andrabi, Javaid Ahmad Najar, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat ( Islamic Rage Boy of Kashmir ) , Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Shakeel Ahmad Bakshi, Shakeel Ahmad Sofi, Shabir ahmad Bukhari, Dr. Qasim Faktoo, Masarat Alam Bhat, Abdul Ahad Parra, Imtiyaz Ahmad , Tariq Ahmad Molvi, Molvi Bashir and several other pro-freedom leaders despite their failing health. “The government is flouting its own rules by denying these political prisoners proper medical and other facilities guaranteed to them under jail rules,” War said.
Mr.War said most of the leaders were detained under “false and concocted cases under raconian laws” despite court orders to release them.
PPP Chairman, Mr. Hilal Ahmad War , termed the detention of political prisoners under draconian law , Public Safety Act ( PSA) an inhuman act and asked Amnesty International and other international Human Rights Organizations to take serious notice of the issue and press Government of India for the prisoners’ release.
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